An Introduction to the Pythagorean Sequence...

What is Teledipity, and where do its insights about my life come from?

Teledipity is an INTROSPECTION MACHINE - a form of entertainment that constantly prompts you to confront deep existential questions. It is meant to help you define your direction, analyze your progress, and allow yourself to enjoy every stage of your life's journey.

Our website's algorithm comes from an ancient algorithm known as the Pythagorean Sequence. It is not a science, it is not unquestionable truth, and it is not a quick fix solution for "success" and "abundance". It is simply the starting point to a journey you will be driving and settling for yourself.


Before Pythagoras...

The Pythagorean Sequence is the natural embrace of mathematics, philosophy and spirituality.

The Chaldeans, a civilization from the southernmost tip of Babylonia, were first in a long lineage to create a system linking mathematics and life wisdom. It detailed the personality of every number and the proper ways to interpret its appearance in every facet of our lives. They used their system to derive clear insights about an individual's character, strengths, weaknesses and life mission.

The Chinese, the Hebrews and the Mayans developed similar systems independently. One of the most popular branches is associated with Pythagoras, and is sometimes referred to as Numerology, Pythagorean Numerology, or Numerics. The next 2,300 years saw many branches remain with different lineages. While all share the same basic tenets, each developed their own formulas, approaches, and rules of interpretation.

The branch our software is trained on is known as the Pythagorean Sequence.

Through the ages

Every generation contributes something...

Pythagoras passed on and further explored his insights with his students, the Pythagoreans.

What we got from their efforts is a system known as the Pythagorean Sequence, which has grown over centuries with the help of dozens of men and women who have made incredible advances to its laws and eerily accurate insights.

An ancient algorithm to help you think about your life...

The Pythagorean Sequence does not advance a specific list of beliefs or explanations. It is about the ongoing questioning of life: what it is about, how it works, and our own personal role inside this vast and sometimes incomprehensible universe.

It promotes the ongoing reflection about life's ambiguity, and the ever elusive (but deeply meaningful) search for clear explanations that will settle it.

It is not a science and its insights are not unquestionable truth. We do not present it as indisputably accurate and infallible. We do not believe it to be comparable to any system derived from the scientific method. We do not use it it as the solution to all our problems or a quick fix that will settle pain, ambiguity or uncertainty.

We do not want you to receive it as such.

The sequence is nothing but a framework that helps you question your own beliefs about your talents and weaknesses, your own thinking about your life story, and your own sense of your role in the world. Above all else, it is a system that delivers constant reminders to be clear about your answers to those questions, and to reevaluate them as your life advances through its many stages.

Though its accuracy in describing your personality and life events is astounding, it is still as imperfect as all of humanity's greatest systems of knowledge.

The Basic Concept

The concept behind the Pythagorean Sequence is simple - the 9 digits of our mathematical system represent 9 different values that make up a fully balanced and well-rounded life:

  1. Independence & leadership
  2. Love & relationships
  3. Creative expression & optimism
  4. Organization & stability
  5. Freedom & adaptability
  6. Caregiving & responsibility
  7. Knowledge & analysis
  8. Material Attainment & balance
  9. Hummanitarianism & forgiveness

Every human being is a unique combination of these 9 values (with excesses in one and deficiencies in another), and an their personality is a perfect expression of their imbalances and unique combinations.

No human has ever mastered a perfect balance in every aspect of the spectrum. Some are experts in one and total amateurs in another.

Your life is a long journey dedicated to the proper balancing one of these life lessons (your ruling number). You discover how to properly express the balance of your ruling number's themes in progressions of nine-year cycles – each year focusing on a subset of that lesson.

Each collection of nine-year cycles is divided into three major life stages (youth, adulthood, and maturity), each with its own individual focus.

Studying how the numbers combine at key moments in your life is a fascinating exercise in understanding some of your greatest milestones and transitions.

Drilling down from those insights to your current year (and month) uncovers thrilling revelations about how clearly those lessons are expressed in your present circumstances.

We always travel heavily on a 5 year and are overloaded with work and restrictions on a 4 year. We always begin new projects on a 1 year and go through an intense identity transformation on a 9 year. On any given year, every individual is on a different stage of their own personal 9 year cycle, which is colored by the combinations of their life stage numbers and ruling number.

It's not that everyone goes through the same experiences - but all under the same ruling number vibration are exploring the same themes.

The snapshots that emerge from those formulas are astoundingly precise and eerily accurate.

For a snapshot of your character, talents, weaknesses, deeply held desires, and key moments in your life story, all you have to do is apply a different set of formulas to the numbers that make up your given name at birth and birth date (check out your own 100% free).

The insights never end!

Our INTROSPECTION MACHINE is a digital media experience composed of over 3,000 hours of content including written introspections, forecasts, videos and narrative audios, all tailored to your profile and what the Pythagorean Sequence claims to know about you (which is only the starting point to settling the answers for yourself).

It was designed to be available to you at all times. Sign into your account anytime you need an uplifting message or an additional perspective on your life's problems, challenges, and opportunities.

Change the channel. Start your journey. See what the Pythagorean Sequence has to say about YOU...

Character Analysis Report

Seven sections and over 65 pages analyzing your personality traits, talents, life cycles, and areas of improvement.

Book Recommendations and Guided Challenges From Trusted Creators

Our software is not the be-all end-all. We find you the books, content, and thought leaders you need the most at each specific chapter of your life.

Serendipitous Messages

Our 2,300-year-old algorithm knows where you are, what you're going through, and what kind of motivation, inspiration, or perspective you need at any given time.

Guided Objectives and Intentions

We help you actively implement the information we deliver with guided objectives for each year.